Stuttgart Region thinks European
Many important decisions are taken at European level. For the Verband Region Stuttgart it is therefore both a duty and a task, a challenge and an opportunity to position itself at European level. The European work in the Stuttgart Region and in Brussels is carried out together with Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS) and has the following objectives:
- Participation in shaping European policy and funding policy
- Implementation of transnational projects
- Gaining knowledge through the exchange of experience in networks
- Positioning the Stuttgart Region as an innovative and liveable high-tech location
- Informing stakeholders in the Stuttgart Region about current developments and funding programs at EU level
- Anchoring the European idea in the Stuttgart Region
- Supporting regional partners, especially local authorities
Click here for the website of the joint European work of Verband Region Stuttgart and Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH

- The European Office of the Stuttgart Region in Brussels provides a direct link between the EU and the Stuttgart Region. The local team provides the region with first-hand information, for example on current legislative procedures or funding programs, and at the same time increases the region's visibility in Brussels.
- More about the office in Brussels
- There are exciting projects at EU level that are advancing the region and are being implemented here locally: Whether it's restoring river landscapes, shifting freight transport from road to rail or removing barriers to bus and rail travel. Participation in these EU projects not only secures funding, but also a valuable exchange of experience and knowledge. This benefits not least the cities and municipalities in the Stuttgart region.
- Click here for the current European projects.
- Thinking European also means forming networks. Interests can be represented more effectively together. Partners learn from each other by exchanging experiences and best practice examples. The network of European representatives of the municipalities and districts connects the European players in the Stuttgart Region.
- Click here for the website of the European networks
The Verband Region Stuttgart is part of the following European networks:
- METREX: The European metropolitan regions and areas have joined forces in METREX (The Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas). The aims of the network are to exchange experience on issues of spatial planning and regional development as well as to represent the interests of the metropolitan regions to the outside world. METREX is committed to recognizing and strengthening the importance of strong metropolitan areas as an engine for growth, innovation and sustainable development in Europe.
Click here to go to Metrex
- EMTA: The Verband Region Stuttgart is an associated member of EMTA (European Metropolitan Transport Authorities) as the authority responsible for regional local rail passenger transport (SPNV). The aim of the cooperation is to improve mobility management and the quality of local public transport.
Click here for EMTA
- POLIS: Traffic management and transport technologies are the central themes of POLIS (European Cities and Regions Networking for Innovative Transport Solutions). POLIS actively contributes to the European policy process by formulating statements and enabling its members to participate in European funding projects.
Click here to go to Polis