Around 2.8 million people live in the Stuttgart region, one of the most dynamic and innovative locations in Europe. It is made up of the districts of Böblingen, Esslingen, Göppingen, Ludwigsburg and Rems-Murr, as well as the state capital Stuttgart. Around 30 percent of the state's economic output is generated in the region. However, this can only succeed if the region, which consists of 179 municipalities, functions optimally as a whole.
This is one of the reasons why the Verband Region Stuttgart was founded in 1994 by state law as a public corporation. Its legal mandate to "promote and secure orderly development" has lost none of its relevance in almost 30 years.
You can find out more about the history and important milestones here.
Political control is the responsibility of the regional assembly with its current 92 members. These are elected every five years by the approximately 2 million eligible voters in the region. The direct election ensures a strong democratic mandate and is unique in Baden-Württemberg.
The "sparring partner" of the political level is the office with over 80 employees. They prepare and implement the resolutions of the regional assembly and the committees. They also advise the municipalities in the region.
Information on the meetings of the regional assembly and its committees can be found in the council and citizen information system.