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Verband Region Stuttgart

We have many interesting topics.

Further information is therefore provided on the following pages:

Accessibility Statement

Verband Region Stuttgart is committed to making its websites and mobile applications accessible in accordance with Sec. 10 (1) L-BGG (“Landes-Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz”: State Law on Equal Status of People with Disabilities).

This accessibility statement applies to the site www.region-stuttgart.org and its microsites.


1. Status of compliance with the requirements

These websites are partially compliant with Sec. 10 (1) L-BGG.


2. Non-accessible content

The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons:

a) Non-compliance with Sec. 10 (1) L-BGG

In some cases, alternative texts for images are not narrated and/or not all layout graphics are designated as such.

Links to content from legacy systems of Verband Region Stuttgart may lead to non-accessible content. For example, documents from the RIM sessional service are non-accessible.

Flyers, brochures and magazines created before 2022 are non-accessible.

On account of the disproportionate burden, the content is not available in simple language or in sign language.

We are committed to reducing existing barriers and providing accessible versions of the files going forward.


 3. Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 27 April 2023.

The statement was last reviewed on 27 April 2023.


4. Feedback and contact information

If you see issues in terms of non-accessible design of our websites, please get in touch with us.

You can reach us at:

  • Verband Region Stuttgart
  • Press and Public Relations
  • Alexandra Aufmuth
  • Abteilungsleitung
  • Kronenstraße 25
  • 70174 Stuttgart
  • Germany
  • E-mail: aufmuth@region-stuttgart.org
  • Phone: +49 (0)711 2275910


5. Enforcement procedure

In order to ensure that these sites comply with the requirements described in Sec. 10 (1) L-BGG, you can contact Verband Region Stuttgart and provide corresponding feedback. You can find the relevant contact details under No. 4 in this statement.

If you do not receive a response to your enquiry within the period specified in Sec. 8 Sentence 1 L-BGG-DVO [“L-BGG-Durchführungsverordnung”: L-BGG Implementation Ordinance], you can contact the state commissioner with responsibility for the concerns of people with disabilities (‘Beauftragte der Landesregierung für die Belange von Menschen mit Behinderungen’) or the ombudsperson with responsibility for the concerns of people with disabilities pursuant to Sec. 14 (2) L-BGG and Sec. 15 (3) Sentence 2 L-BGG.

You can reach the state commissioner with responsibility for the concerns of people with disabilities using the following contact details:

  • Landes-Behindertenbeauftragte Simone Fischer
  • Geschäftsstelle der Landes-Behindertenbeauftragten:
  • Else-Josenhans-Straße 6
  • 70173 Stuttgart
  • Germany
  • Phone: +49 (0)711 279 3360
  • E-mail: Poststelle@bfbmb.bwl.de

The contact details for the relevant municipal commissioner with responsibility for the concerns of people with disabilities can be obtained from the website of the municipal or administrative district where you are permanently resident.

Reference is made to the right of associations to initiate proceedings in accordance with Sec. 12 (1) Sentence 1 No. 4 L-BGG.

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