Project MECOG-CE

The MECOG-CE ( strengthening metropolitan cooperation and governance in Central Europe) project aims to strengthen cooperation and governance in metropolitan regions in Central Europe. Various instruments are available for this purpose, such as the creation of a metropolitan institution, integrated territorial strategies, master plans, integrated territorial investments (ITI) or monitoring at metropolitan level. The Verband Region Stuttgart serves as a best-practice example of an institutionalized region with strong governance. In the project, six cities or existing metropolitan regions and three scientific institutions will develop strategies and solutions for integrated territorial development and systematic cooperation in metropolitan regions and identify the tools for this.
Project data and project partners
- Funding program: Interreg Central Europe
- Project duration: 1.4.2023 - 31.3.2026
- Project budget: 1.65 million euros
- Homepage:
Project partner:
- City of Brno (Lead Partner)
- City of Ostrava
- Turin Metropolitan Region
- Stuttgart Region
- Joint State Planning Department Berlin-Brandenburg
- City of Warsaw
- Charles University in Prague
- University of Silesia in Katowice
- Metropolitan Research Institute