New Governance for New Spaces
The NONA (New gOvernance for New spAces) project is part of the EU-funded Interreg Danube Transnational Program. The main aim of the interdisciplinary research project is to develop new green finance and multi-level governance models for sustainable spatial development in the Danube catchment area, which includes Baden-Württemberg. Existing land potential in settlement areas, such as underused or derelict land, is to be identified and integrated into future planning developments in order, among other things, to curb further land take in outlying areas, but also to be able to react to changing usage requirements at an early stage. Particular attention will be paid to ecological challenges, socio-economic differences and the great cultural diversity in the neighboring countries.
Transnational network
Several small and medium-sized municipalities and regional institutions have joined NONA as project partners in order to establish long-term responsible land use practices and promote knowledge transfer and exchange with the European project partners.
Project partners
- Geodetic Institute of Slovenia, Slovenia
- Iskriva, Institute for Development of Local Potentials, Slovenia
- Municipality of Ravne Na Koroškem, Slovenia
- Biberach University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Architecture and Urbanism, Germany
- The Collective Foundation, Bulgaria
- Gabrovo Municipality, Bulgaria
- Bulgaria Economic Forum, Bulgaria
- International Development Agency, Croatia
- The City of Virovitica, Croatia
- Urbasofia s.r.l., Romania
- Cluster of Education C-EDU Cluj, Romania
- Municipality of Town Veszprém with County Rank, Hungary
- Development Agency of Una-Sana Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Institute of Architecture and Urban&Spatial planning of Serbia, Serbia
- City of Šabac, Serbia
- City Hall of Chisinau Municipality, Moldova
- State Enterprise "Research Institute of Geodesy & Cartography", Ukraine
Stuttgart Region pilot project

As one of the ten pilot projects, the focus in the Stuttgart region is on land use contexts within the Neckar catchment area. Land potentials and their future public welfare-oriented, circular economic development possibilities are being determined and forecast. A comprehensive spatial analysis serves as the basis for developing, applying and testing the transferability of new, sustainable financial instruments and innovative approaches for partnership-based management and cooperation across all levels. The aim is to come into contact with (new) stakeholders and take action.
Project data
- Biberach University of Applied Sciences, which is itself an active project partner, is providing content and scientific support for the project.
- Duration January 2024 to December 2026
- Link to the project website: