Legal Information
Verband Region Stuttgart – public law corporation
Kronenstraße 25
70174 Stuttgart
Legal representative
Dr. Alexander Lahl
Thomas Graf-Miedaner
Verband Region Stuttgart
Technical operation/web server administration
Ingo Kohls
Verband Region Stuttgart
Note regarding the German legislation for the transmission of electronic documents (EAnpG)
Given the lack of a corresponding technical infrastructure for handling e-mails with a qualified electronic signature pursuant to the signature law, Verband Region Stuttgart does not offer this service at present.
Concept, screen design, programming
+Pluswerk AG (Standort Stuttgart, Dresden)
Legal framework
The following explanations also constitute the conditions of use referring to this website and the liability limitations are an integral part of the website. If individual parts of these framework conditions no longer comply with statutory regulations, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts.
Verband Region Stuttgart reserves the right to amend, change, delete or completely discontinue this website or parts thereof at any time.
Identification and copyrights
The pages of this website (all and in part) are subject to valid copyright regulations. The pages must not be amended or duplicated without the consent of Verband Region Stuttgart. Duplication for private purposes is permitted.
Any third-party images, graphics, texts, video and/or audio sequences reproduced on this website are also protected by copyright and possibly also by brand and/or trademark rights.
Hyperlinks featured in this website by Verband Region Stuttgart are intended to enhance the service and information content of the website. Although we have reviewed the linked pages thoroughly, we herewith explicitly disclaim any responsibility or liability for external and linked websites. Responsibility for the contents and/or design of these websites lies solely with the respective provider.
We have produced the content of the individual pages with the greatest of care. Even so, Verband Region Stuttgart does not assume any warranty that the pages are up-to-date, complete, correct and fully functional. We therefore disclaim any respective liability. This does not include liability pursuant to statutory regulations.
If you should be aware of any illegal or erroneous content or links on our website, please inform us accordingly. We will follow up the matter and correct or delete the corresponding points straightaway as far as possible.
Overall responsibility
Dr. Alexander Lahl
Verband Region Stuttgart
Kronenstraße 25
70174 Stuttgart
Telefon: 0711 22759-0
Fax: 0711 22759-70
Legal supervisory authority
Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart (Regional Council)
Ruppmannstraße 21
70565 Stuttgart
© Verband Region Stuttgart – Kronenstraße 25 – 70174 Stuttgart