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Data protection statement

1. Name and address of the controller

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) defines a controller as the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data (e.g. name, e-mail addresses etc.).

The body responsible for data processing for this website is

Verband Region Stuttgart – Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts/Public law corporation

Represented by the Regional Director

Kronenstr. 25, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany

+49(0)711 / 22 75 9-0



2. Contact details for the official data protection officer

You can contact our official data protection officer for advice regarding all issues related to the processing of your personal data and the exercise of your rights under the EU GDPR.

The e-mail address for our data protection officer is datenschutzbeauftragte(at)komm.one.


3. General information on data processing

3.1 Scope of processing of personal data

We generally process your personal data only to the extent required to provide a functioning website as well as content and services. Otherwise, we process your personal data only if you have given us advance consent to process your personal data.

Personal data are data that can be used to identify you personally.

This data protection statement explains which data we collect and what we use them for. It also explains how and for what purpose data are collected.

3.2 Legal basis for processing of personal data

We use this website to carry out our public relations remit. The legal basis for collecting the personal data needed to provide this service is provided by Art. 6 (1) (e) EU GDPR and by Sec. 4 LDSG [“Landesdatenschutzgesetz”: State Data Protection Act].

To the extent that we obtain your consent for processing, the legal basis is provided by Art. 6 (1) (a) EU GDPR.

3.3 Storage period

We erase your personal data as soon as the purpose of processing has been met and there is no statutory requirement to store the data.

3.4 Right to object and right to withdraw consent

You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning you which is based on point (e) of Art. 6 (1).

You can withdraw at any time, fully or partially, consent granted to us. To do so, simply send us an e-mail. Consent is withdrawn for future periods only. The lawfulness of the data processing that has taken place before consent is withdrawn remains unaffected.


4. Provision of the website

4.1 Description and scope of data processing

Each time you access the Verband Region Stuttgart website or a file, the following data are stored automatically in a log file:

  • IP address
  • Provider name
  • Originating site
  • Sites visited
  • Duration of visit
  • Browser used
  • Plugins installed
  • Date and time
  • Data volume transferred
  • Operating system

We do not store any data in the log files that could be used to identify you personally.

The data are not passed on to third parties or otherwise evaluated unless there is a statutory obligation to do so.

4.2 Purpose and legal basis for processing

The purpose of this processing is to allow for correct presentation of our website on the user’s end device. In particular, it is necessary to process the IP address in order for our server to communicate with the user’s end device. The data are stored solely for system-related and statistical purposes and, in exceptional cases, in order to report criminal offences.

Processing these data allows us to provide our online offering to you. The legal basis is provided by Art. 6 (1) (e) EU GDPR and by Sec. 4 LDSG.

4.3 Storage period

The data are erased as soon as they are no longer needed for the purpose for which they were collected. To the extent that your personal data are processed to provide the website, we delete such personal data once your session ends.

4.4 Right to object and right to revoke consent

Recording the data to provide our website and storing the data in log files is essential in order to run our website. Therefore, we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing. Consequently, you do not have a right to object.


5. Contacting us

5.1 Description and scope of data processing

On our website, you have the option to contact us. If you choose this option, data entered in the contact form are sent to us and stored. Please note that only the details marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory fields and must be completed in order to send your message to us. All other details on the contact form are voluntary and are not required in order to process your query. When you send the message to us, we also store the date and time of sending.

You also have the option to get in touch with us by phone or by e-mail. If you call us, we store information relating to the caller ID, i.e. your telephone number, your name and the time of your call. We also make a note of the reason for your call. We do not record the entire phone call.

If you write us an e-mail, we store your query (i.e. the matter you describe including all personal data listed therein) as well as your e-mail address.

We generally do not pass on this information to third parties. If there are exceptional circumstances that make it necessary to pass on information relating to your query to third parties, we will only pass on the information based on express statutory permission or subject to your consent.

5.2 Purpose and legal basis

We process your personal data in order to handle your query and to contact you in the event of follow-up questions, if applicable.

We process the personal data contained in the query based on Art. 6 (1) (e) EU GDPR and by Sec. 4 LDSG. That provision allows us to carry out our tasks that are in the public interest or that have been assigned to us.

All personal details provided voluntarily are processed based on your consent. The legal basis is provided by Art. 6 (1) (a) EU GDPR.

5.3 Storage period

We store your data processed for the purpose of contacting you until the purpose for which the data were stored has been met (e.g. your query has been dealt with) or until you instruct us to erase the data. Essential statutory provisions – in particular retention periods – remain unaffected.

5.4 Right to object and right to revoke consent

You have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning you or to withdraw your consent to processing the data provided voluntarily. In this case we will erase your data without undue delay. We will then no longer be able to inform you of the status of further handling of your query.


6. Publications / newsletters

6.1 Description and scope of data processing

We are happy to use our free publications to keep you up to date on current developments in the region and on the work of Verband Region Stuttgart. To send these publications, we need your name and address to send them by post and/or your e-mail address to send them electronically. If you order items that are not free, we also need your bank account details. We do not pass on your data to third parties.

6.2 Purpose and legal basis

We process your data exclusively for the purpose of sending the publications. The legal basis for data processing is provided by Art. 6 (1) (a) and (b) EU GDPR.

6.3 Storage period

The data are erased as soon as they are no longer needed for the purpose for which they were collected. Your e-mail address and your name are stored for as long as the subscription to the newsletter remains active.

6.4 Right to object and right to withdraw consent

Of course you can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time and have your data erased or withdraw your consent.


7. Consultation processes

As part of preparing, extending, partially continuing, amending or partially amending regional plans, the LplG [“Landesplanungsgesetz”: State Planning Law] and ROG [“Raumordnungsgesetz”: Federal Spatial Planning Act] provide for public consultation. This relates to public-interest entities and legal persons as well as to individuals, who can express their views as part of the consultation process.

7.1 Description and scope of data processing

For online participation in a regional planning amendment process, you need to register on this website. The first step in the registration process is to set up an account. For natural persons, the following data are collected:

  • First name and last name
  • User name
  • Password
  • E-mail address

These details required as a minimum are marked separately with an asterisk (*).

All other data listed can be provided voluntarily. There is no obligation to provide that data.

After the data are entered and sent, they are moved to a database server of Verband Region Stuttgart using a secure connection and managed by a service provider. Further data processing thereafter takes place exclusively within Verband Region Stuttgart.

7.2 Purpose and legal basis

Storing your name serves to identify the person who made the statement. An e-mail address is required in order to be able to e-mail you after you set up an account with a request to confirm that you have set up an account and registered on our online portal. All data are used exclusively as part of the consultation process.

The legal basis is provided by Art. 6 (1) (e) EU GDPR in conjunction with Sec. 9 ROG, Sec. 12 LplG and by Sec. 4 LDSG. To the extent that you provide other data such as your address voluntarily, those data are processed based on your consent. The legal basis is provided by Art. 6 (1) (a) EU GDPR. You can withdraw that consent at any time without providing any reasons pursuant to Art. 7 (3) EU GDPR.

7.3 Storage period

We delete your personal data as soon as it is no longer necessary to store them for the designated purpose and there are no statutory retention periods that prevent us from erasing the data. It is necessary to store your personal data for as long as the regional plan has legal effect.

7.4 Recipients

Technical support for the servers of Verband Region Stuttgart is provided by DVZ Datenver-arbeitungszentrum Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH, Lübecker Straße 283 in 19059 Schwerin, Germany. For the security of your data and to ensure compliance with your data protection rights, we have entered into a processing agreement as defined in Art. 28 (3) EU GDPR with the service provider.

The highest state planning and legal supervisory authority is the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing in Stuttgart. As part of the compliance test, all relevant data (initially pseudonymised) are sent to the supervisory authority. As part of an audit, the highest legal supervisory authority is authorised to access the files in justified cases. This means that personal data (e.g. in statements, e-mails etc.) may also become known to the legal supervisory authority. Access to files is generally provided exclusively in the offices of Verband Region Stuttgart and not digitally.

Otherwise your statement is only passed on by the responsible bodies to pertinent committees (planning committee, regional assembly) or by means of a public announcement in pseudonymised form. It is not possible to identify you personally based on that data.

7.5 Right to object and right to withdraw consent

There is no obligation to provide a statement. Consequently, you can discontinue the registration process at any time. You can have the data stored about you amended at any time.

In terms of your personal data provided voluntarily, for example your address, you can withdraw consent at any time and have the data erased.

In this case, please e-mail us at info(at)region-stuttgart.org.


8. Citizens advice and information system

You are welcome to find out about Verband Region Stuttgart’s committee work on our homepage. You do not need to register in order to research the committee meetings, the parliamentary groups or laws and statutes relating to Verband Region Stuttgart. Consequently, personal data are not collected and processed in connection with searches performed in our citizens advice and information system.

If you are a regional council member using the council information system for your meeting work, we inform you separately about data processing when you register on and use this system.


9. Job applications

9.1 Description and scope of data processing

If you send us your application by post, we process the data in your application in order to assess your suitability for the position you are applying for. We use your contact details exclusively to contact you and to keep you informed of the status of the application.

9.2 Purpose and legal basis

Your personal data are processed to determine your suitability, ability and professional qualifications for the job.

The legal basis for establishing the contract of service or contract of employment, including all pre-contractual measures, is provided by Art. 6 (1) (b) EU GDPR. As a public-sector employer, the legal requirements for the selection procedures are set in particular by Art. 33 (2) GG [“Grundgesetz”: German Basic Law], the AGG [”Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz”: German General Act on Equal Treatment] and by budgetary law. According to those laws, the applicant must be selected based on suitability, ability and professional qualifications. The legal basis for processing data as part of the selection procedure with the aim of hiring a civil servant, public servant or intern is provided by Sec. 15 LDSG in conjunction with Secs. 83 to 85 LBG [“Landesbeamtengesetz”: State Law on Civil Servants].

If your application contains special categories of personal data, e.g. data concerning health, religious beliefs or ethnicity, we base our processing on our statutory obligations as an employer and the related protection of your basic rights as well as on Art. 9 (2) (b) EU GDPR. Furthermore, we also process your details based on Art. 9 (2) (h) and (3) EU GDPR in order to assess the potential employee’s capacity to work and to take preventive health measures and occupational medicine measures as applicable.

9.3 Storage period

Your personal data are erased as soon as they are no longer needed for the purpose for which they were collected. In the event that the application process gives rise to employment, a traineeship, an internship or any other service relationship, initially the data continue to be stored and are transferred to the HR file. Otherwise the application process ends upon receipt of the rejection letter. In this case, your personal data is erased six months after receiving the rejection letter unless legal requirements mean that the data must be stored for longer.

9.4 Recipients

We will not share the details you provide with any third parties. The recipients of the personal data contained in the application are the HR officers responsible, departmental staff responsible and our HR representatives.

9.5 Right to object and right to withdraw consent

You can object to the processing of your personal data at any time. In particular, you have the right to withdraw your application at any time.


10. Cookies and technologies by third-party providers

10.1 Session cookie

10.1.1 Description and scope of data processing

We use a session cookie from TYPO3 GmbH on our website. This means that when you access our internet offering, cookies are stored on your device. These cookies are text files that are valid for the duration of time you spend on our website (‘session cookies’). We use these only during your session on our website.

10.1.2 Purpose and legal basis

The cookie fe_typo_user is needed to store the basket in the document shop. The legal basis for using these necessary cookies as defined in Sec. 25 (2) No. 2 TTDSG [“Telekommunikation-Telemedien-Datenschutz-Gesetz”: German Telecommunications-Telemedia Data Protection Act] is provided by Art. 6 (1) (b) EU GDPR.

10.1.3 Storage period

These cookies are automatically deleted after the end of your session on our website.

10.1.4 Right to object and right to withdraw consent

Cookies are stored on the user’s device and transferred from there to our site. Consequently, you as the user have full control over the use of cookies. By changing the settings in your browser, you can deactivate or restrict the storing of cookies. Cookies already stored can be deleted at any time. This can be done automatically. If cookies are deactivated for our website, it is possible that not all functions on the website will be available.

10.2 Usercentrics Consent Management Platform

10.2.1 Description and scope of data processing

We use the Usercentrics Consent Management Platform by Usercentrics GmbH at Sendlinger Str. 7 in 80331 Munich, Germany, to manage your consents on our website.

Using this service involves the use of technologies such as cookies and pixels that are placed in the browser. When you have made a selection in the consent banner, the following data are collected:

  • Opt-in and opt-out data
  • Referrer URL
  • User agent
  • User settings
  • Consent ID
  • Time of consent
  • Nature of consent
  • Template version
  • Banner language
  • IP address

10.2.2 Purpose and legal basis

The purpose of processing is consent management. This allows us to meet our obligation to document your consent.

The legal basis for storing your declaration of consent is provided by Art. 6 (1) (a) EU GDPR, while the legal basis for processing personal data using necessary cookies as defined in Sec. 25 (2) TTDSG is provided by Art. 6 (1) (e) EU GDPR in conjunction with Sec. 4 LDSG.

10.2.3 Storage duration

The consent data (consent granted and consent withdrawn) are stored for one year and then erased.

10.2.4 Right to object and right to withdraw consent

Storing the declaration of consent serves to document it and provide proof of consent. Consequently, there is no right to object.

You can find further information in the data privacy policy of Usercentrics GmbH at:


10.3. YouTube

10.3.1 Description and scope of data processing

Our website contains YouTube videos. If you click on this area, we inform you of the processing of your personal data and in particular the transfer of your data to a third country outside of the area in which the EU GDPR is valid. Your data are processed from the date on which you give your consent to us. 

For the provision of videos, your IP address is shared along with information on your usage habits (for example: which video you opened and how long you watched it for). This information is shared regardless of whether or not you have a YouTube account.

If you are also logged in as a YouTube user when you open the video, the operator, YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA, can allocate your visit to our website to your respective user account. We wish to point out that YouTube LLC belongs to the group of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. If you do not want YouTube to collect and store data concerning your visit to our website, please log out of your YouTube account before clicking on the link.

10.3.2 Purpose and legal basis

We use the videos to present our content to you clearly and in the best possible way. The data sent to YouTube are stored by YouTube in user profiles and used for example for advertising and market research purposes.

Please read about the purposes and the scope of data processing as well as about your rights due to the processing in the corresponding data privacy policy:


We base the processing of your personal data on your consent. The legal basis for data processing is therefore Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR.

10.3.3 Storage period

You can also find information on the storage period in the data privacy statement at www.google.de/intl/de/policies/privacy/

10.3.4 Right to object and right to withdraw consent

You can withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time. Use the data protection settings in the footer of each page for this purpose.


11. Social networks

You will find the social media logos of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn on our homepage. The icons contain a link to the respective social network. When you click on the icon, a direct connection is created between you and the network operator. A window then opens on the site of the social network, and you can log in to the social network and view our content. We wish to point out that once you log in, all of the data collected can be traced back to your user account and a profile of you can be created based on your browsing habits. The data protection notices and statements on the linked sites apply. Please read these carefully before clicking on the logos.

However, the mere existence of the links on the site does not mean that any personal data will be collected from you or sent to the operator of the social network.


12. Your rights as the data subject

Based on the processing of personal data, you have special rights that we wish to make you aware of:

12.1 Right of access, Art. 15 EU GDPR

You have a right to access information about your personal data that are processed. In your request for information, you should provide more details to make it easier to compile the necessary data.

12.2 Right to rectification, Art. 16 EU GDPR

If the data concerning you is inaccurate or no longer accurate, you have the right to rectification without undue delay. If your data are incomplete, you can have the data completed.

12.3 Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’), Art. 17 EU GDPR

Under certain circumstances, you can have your personal data erased without undue delay. The related obligation of the processor to erase the data without undue delay depends among other things on whether your personal data are still needed by the controller to fulfil its task.

12.4 Right to restriction of processing, Art. 18 EU GDPR

Based on the prerequisites set out in Art. 18 EU GDPR, you have the right to restriction of processing.

12.5 Right to data portability, Art. 20 EU GDPR

Based on the prerequisites set out in Art. 20 EU GDPR, you have the right to receive personal data relating to you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit those data to another controller.

12.6 Right to object, Art. 21 EU GDPR

You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning you. However, this right cannot be upheld if we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or if the processing serves the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.


13. Right to withdraw consent, Art. 7 (3) EU GDPR

To the extent that processing of your personal data is based on consent given by you, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. Withdrawing consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before consent was withdrawn. There will be no disadvantage to you from withdrawing consent.


14. Right to lodge a complaint, Art. 77 EU GDPR

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a pertinent data protection supervisory authority if you consider that the processing of personal data relating to you infringes the EU GDPR.

In this case, contact:

  • Landesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg
  • (Baden-Württemberg state officer for data protection and freedom of information)
  • Address: Lautenschlagerstraße 20, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany
  • Postal address: Postfach/PO Box 10 29 32, 70025 Stuttgart, Germany
  • Reception: +49 (0)711 61 55 41-0
  • E-mail: poststelle@lfdi.bwl.de



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Verband Region Stuttgart informs via newsletter from the region for the region: Political decisions, events, exciting background knowledge. If you would also like to subscribe to the newsletter free of charge in the future, then register.

* = mandatory field


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You need more information, have questions or want to tell us something? Then please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to your message.

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