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Auf den folgenden Seiten gibt es daher weitergehende Informationen:

Wind power in the region

Nowadays, climate protection is a central task for all political levels. The expansion of energy generation from renewable energy sources is of particular importance here. Wind turbines make a contribution to this.

The search for locations for wind turbines is not easy due to their size alone. This is particularly true for the Stuttgart region with its high population and settlement density. This is because areas for living, working and infrastructure will also be needed there in the future, but also for agriculture, recreation, ecological functions and, last but not least, for measures to adapt to climate change.

Regional planning should set the necessary priorities here. Accordingly, one of the legal obligations of the Stuttgart Region Association is to designate areas for the use of renewable energies. To this end, a corresponding partial update of the regional plan has been initiated. Priority areas for the use of wind energy are to be defined in this plan. The law stipulates that at least 1.8% of the regional area must be designated as a priority area for wind turbines.

Current procedure

On 25.10.2023, the regional assembly decided to publish the draft plan. This took place from 2.11.2023 to 2.2.2024. The corresponding planning documents were available for public inspection at the district offices, the City of Stuttgart and the Verband Region Stuttgart office and are still available digitally. The Verband Region Stuttgart also provided information on the scope and content of the draft plan at seven events.

The cities and municipalities, specialist authorities, associations and other public agencies as well as the public had the opportunity to submit comments by February 2. Each comment received will be reviewed by the office and processed in accordance with the aspects and information provided and then incorporated into the consideration of the regional assembly. The suggestions in the comments will be answered after the procedure has been completed. This may take some time.

Draft plan

Further documents

Information events on the draft plan

A total of seven information events have taken place. Here you will find an overview of frequently asked questions at the previous events. Below are the presentations from the individual events:

If you have any questions about the further procedure, please send an e-mail to windenergie(at)region-stuttgart.org.

Further topics

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