Areas for securing raw materials

According to the state development plan, the Verband Region Stuttgart is responsible for securing these raw material deposits. The amendment procedure is intended to bring about adjustments to two priority areas for the extraction of near-surface raw materials in order to enable, among other things, the continuation of extraction until the raw material deposits are exhausted.
Important raw material deposits are defined in the regional plan as so-called priority areas for the extraction or safeguarding of near-surface raw materials. Nothing may take place here that would make extraction impossible. Quarries are usually located within these priority areas, where mainly shell limestone is extracted. Every quarry is important for the region's supply of stone and stone products and helps to keep transportation distances short, at least for shell limestone. Many mineral raw materials, such as gypsum, clay and cement raw materials, have to be brought to the region from other quarries and pits as they are not mined in the region itself. The recycling of building materials also contributes to this, but there is not enough material available for recycling to meet demand. The priority areas for the extraction and safeguarding of raw materials are intended to cover the demand for raw materials for two times 20 years. However, changes to the mining situation, for example, can occur again and again over this long period. The priority areas can then be adapted if necessary. This requires an amendment procedure. Such an amendment procedure was initiated with the resolution of the regional assembly on July 28, 2021. This was followed (with the resolution of the regional assembly on March 30, 2022) by the public consultation, i.e. the participation of public bodies and the public in accordance with Section 9 (2) of the Spatial Planning Act (ROG) and Section 12 (2) and (3) of the State Planning Act (LplG). This means that all citizens who feel affected by the planned change were able to submit a statement by March 15, 2022, after the deadline had been extended, which will then be incorporated into the regional assembly's decision on the adoption of the planned change.