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Glossary Planning

Here you will find brief explanations of the key planning terms.

Weighing up

When weighing up an issue, aspects and concerns are compared with and against each other. Elected committee members make a decision on this basis. A decision is considered appropriate if it is clearly oriented towards the planning objectives and there are sufficiently weighty reasons to justify the subordination of one interest to the other.

Prohibition of visual impairment

Large-scale retail businesses must not impair the functionality of the town center or the consumer-oriented supply of the town or other towns or municipalities.

Gross residential density

The gross residential density describes the number of inhabitants per hectare of residential land. The density values largely correspond to the binding state-wide specifications and are essentially based on the central location classification of a municipality. The aim of appropriately dense development is not only to reduce land consumption to a necessary level, but also to achieve better utilization of the infrastructure.

Development axes

Planning instrument to control and spatially define settlement development. Usually located along important traffic routes.

European Metropolitan Region

One of eleven regions in Germany with a special function for the country's spatial development and high international significance.

Land use plan

Preparatory urban land-use plan that shows the existing and planned uses of all areas in the municipal area.

Free space

Large contiguous, undeveloped areas (e.g. bodies of water, fields, forests, parks).

Counterflow principle

Spatial planning principle with mutual coordination of local and supra-local or regional and supra-regional planning.

Municipalities limited to own development

Municipalities in which no settlement activity beyond their own development is to take place. A municipality's own development includes the creation of housing and jobs for local needs.

Municipalities in the settlement area

Municipalities and parts of municipalities in which settlement activity is to increase due to their location. In addition to local demand, migration gains are also taken into account.

Large-scale retail

Retail businesses, shopping centers and other retail businesses with a sales area of more than 800 square meters that sell goods to an end consumer.

Principles of spatial planning

General statements on the development, organization and safeguarding of the area, as specifications for subsequent consideration or discretionary decisions.

Green corridor

Regional planning instrument for securing open spaces between closely adjoining settlement areas.


Facilities for the supply of an economy (e.g. schools, hospitals, transportation facilities).

Integration requirement

Large-scale retail businesses must fit into the "urban fabric", the functional order of the respective municipality. This includes, among other things, that center-relevant product ranges are generally only permitted in the corresponding inner-city locations.

Congruence requirement

The sales area of large-scale retail stores must be dimensioned in such a way that most of the turnover can be achieved within the area of influence set out in the regional plan.

State development plan

Spatial planning plan at the level of the federal states, which represents the state-wide organization and development.

Landscape park

Instrument for safeguarding and further developing open spaces with regard to recreational functions and the aesthetics of the landscape.

Regional green corridors

Regional planning instrument to secure contiguous open spaces.

Regional plan

Statutes adopted by the regional assembly in the form of a map and text section. Based on legally binding specifications, it presents the spatial and structural organization and development to be aimed for in the region.

Regional Assembly

Political body / parliament of the Verband Region Stuttgart, which is directly elected by the people for 5 years.

Integration area

In an interdependent area, municipalities are intertwined with "their" central location through different relationships in terms of work, shopping, education and leisure facilities. The interdependent area is also the catchment area of a central location for shopping or service facilities for the population of this area.

Conurbation area

Spatial category that includes areas with a high population and employment density and close commuter links.

Reserved area

Area in the regional plan whose function is of particular importance when weighing up competing land use claims. Reserved areas have the character of principles.

Priority area

Area in the regional plan in which certain spatially significant uses are given priority over others. Competing uses are excluded in these areas. Priority areas have a target character.

Central location

Due to its technical and social infrastructure, each central place has a certain function for its local population and surrounding area. The central places form a hierarchy among themselves. Depending on the type and scope of the function, a distinction is made between upper, middle, lower and small centers.

Spatial planning objectives

Binding specifications for public planning authorities, in the form of textual or graphic specifications in spatial development plans.

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