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adresses by the river

More quality of stay: addresses by the river

Local recreation area, traffic route and important part of the ecosystem: the demands on the rivers in the region are high. With the "Addresses on the river" project in cooperation with the International Building Exhibition 2027 StadtRegion Stuttgart (IBA'27), the Verband Region Stuttgart is pursuing the goal of better connecting the Neckar municipalities with the river and enhancing the Neckar as a recreational area for the population. However, the Neckar itself should also be seen as an example for all rivers in the region, i.e. the entire blue infrastructure.

The municipalities are supported with various modules to create a conceptual basis for further planning development: For example, in the form of student designs for concrete ideas on how to ecologically enhance the riverbanks and make them more attractive for the population. For their implementation, the municipalities have the opportunity to apply for funding from the co-financing program for the Stuttgart Region Landscape Park with financial support of up to 50 percent of the project costs.

Becoming a river region! Second Neckar Conference

The second Neckar Conference in cooperation with IBA '27, SportRegion and KulturRegion will take place on September 12 and 13, 2024 in Stuttgart-Untertürkheim on the predominantly vacant Pfisterer-Areal (Inselstraße 140, 70372 Stuttgart). The theme of the conference is "Splashing, paddling and crawling - river as a space for movement".

On Thursday, September 12, the focus will be on the winners of the young talent competition "Reclaim the River!", which was held for the first time this year in cooperation with the Wüstenrot Foundation. Young planners were invited to submit their innovative ideas for reclaiming the rivers in the Stuttgart region as living spaces. The award ceremony will be framed by a cultural preview of the "Jetzt!" festival of the Stuttgart cultural region. The keynote speech on the "Reinvention of rivers" will be given by jury member Prof. Simon Hartmann (KIT).

On Friday, September 13, the program will include examples of successful river transformations from Vienna, Munich, Leipzig and Basel. The keynote (Ingo Kanehl, ASTOC) will report on the spectacular renaissance of the Emscher in the Ruhr region. The focus of the impulses and discussions: Rivers as spaces for recreation and exercise. Which municipal strategies are promising, which coalitions and cooperations are possible? The afternoon will be dedicated to five project ideas and plans from the Stuttgart region in workshops.

This event is recognized by the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Architects as further education/training with a scope of 5 teaching hours for members and architects/urban planners in practical training for the fields of architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning.

A public festival on, on and in the Neckar starts at 3.30 pm. From harbor tours and stand-up paddling to a guided tour of the hydroelectric power plant.

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First important steps: What has happened so far

Landscape Forum (2023)

Students from all spatial disciplines were invited to design visions of the future for the Neckar landscape between Nürtingen and Altbach. How will we live, work, produce and move around in 50 years' time? What kind of landscape will be needed in a climate-adapted world that is also fair? How will these spaces be cultivated? What innovative forms of production would then be possible? Young planners were given the opportunity to further develop the existing master plan for the Neckar Landscape Park. It's not just about creating new spatial images with creative ideas. The design and modeling of the necessary transformation processes must also be included. The student ideas competition is based on a cooperation between the Verband Region Stuttgart, the IBA'27 StadtRegion Stuttgart and the European LE:NOTRE Institute with the Nürtingen/Geislingen University of Applied Sciences (HfWU). The task prepares methodically and in terms of content for the Landscape Forum Stuttgart Region in summer 2023, during which the award ceremony will also take place. Find out more about the Landscape Forum in the news and here.

Symposium: New strategies for a better quality of life on the waterfront (2022)

Diverse, easily accessible and networked public green and open spaces: these are decisive factors for a high quality of life and environment in urban areas. At a symposium with short impulses from the field, ideas for the future of the living space along the rivers were developed together and concrete tools for implementation in everyday municipal life were developed. It was shown how the potential of the Neckar river landscape for people and nature can be activated and how places to stay and linger by the water can be made more attractive. More on the results here shortly.

Students design ideas for the Neckar (2022)

On the initiative of the Verband Region Stuttgart and in cooperation with the IBA'27, students from two universities in the region developed ideas for attractive places to stay on the Neckar between Stuttgart and Kirchheim am Neckar in the summer semester of 2022.

The project kicked off with a two-day workshop in Remseck am Neckar in April 2022, at the end of which the public was invited to come along, view the initial design ideas and make their own suggestions for further development during the semester. The students' design results provide the municipalities with a conceptual basis for the further development of these locations.

On-site appointments and online survey (2022)

Every development requires local expert knowledge as a basis: the Verband Region Stuttgart has invited Neckar friends in Besigheim, Mundelsheim and Remseck am Neckar to share their wishes and opinions over a portion of red and white fries and to get creative themselves. After all, plans and designs should be developed as closely as possible to local conditions and needs. The campaign in Mundelsheim provided the impetus for the seating steps created in 2023. (All landscape park projects at a glance in a map) The on-site meetings were supplemented by an online citizen survey, which got to the bottom of the question of how important the river is as a local recreation area for people and what could be improved. What role does the river play for citizens? What do they want from a stay by the river? And how could the conditions be improved?

For more news click here!

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