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Wir haben viele interessante Themen.

Auf den folgenden Seiten gibt es daher weitergehende Informationen:

Compensation with added value

How can compensation be sustainably improved?

What motivates actors in the compensation process? What needs to change at a political level? Statements by representatives from practice, politics and the region on the topic of compensation with added value.

Guidelines for future compensation with added value

How can compensation measures be designed in future so that they are implemented professionally and to the required extent, while at the same time creating benefits for other landscape functions? In response to this question, three focal points for possible added value were formulated: spatial, functional and procedural. As the central finding of the research project, these free aspects define the framework for action for "compensation with added value".

Landscape models for the Stuttgart region

The Stuttgart Region has a wide variety of landscapes. What currently characterizes these landscapes? What would be their ideal condition in the future? How can compensation measures contribute to achieving this ideal-typical state? The landscape models provide answers to these questions for the landscape areas of agricultural landscape, orchards, vineyards, settlement edges, watercourses/floodplains and forest.

Policy recommendation for compensation with added value

In the form of nine demands, the policy paper draws attention to current deficits in the compensation process. It shows what political measures are needed to improve offsetting. The recommendations are backed up with examples of pioneering initiatives that illustrate the potential that can be developed and provide information on how the respective approach can be put into practice. The demands made are aimed at political decision-makers at the federal, state and local levels.

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